Rédacteur Bonnard Lawson

We are very pleased to introduce Aylin Güney King, our new partner in Geneva as of February 1st, 2020.

Aylin is specialized in domestic and multi-national litigation and international commercial arbitration. She represents individuals and corporate entities before Swiss courts and arbitral tribunals in commercial disputes and criminal proceedings.

Her areas of expertise include complex litigation and arbitration involving contracts, asset management and partnership as well as enforcement of foreign decisions and arbitral awards, freezing injunctions proceedings and international mutual legal assistance in civil matters.

She also has strong experience in white-collar crime, extradition proceedings and international mutual legal assistance both in criminal and tax matters.

Aylin graduated from the University of Geneva in 2007 and was admitted to the Bar in 2009. She obtained an LL.M. at Columbia Law School in New York in 2011, before being admitted to the New York State Bar. Prior to joining our firm, she worked in the dispute resolution groups of law firms in Geneva and Istanbul. Her working languages are French, English and Turkish.